If you have been wanting to dive into the craft of woodworking, then you have probably thought quite a lot about how to get started. You have to know what to do and you’ll also need to practice. Keep reading to learn more about woodworking.

Stair gauges can be used for crosscut guides. Clamp your carpenter’s square to your stair gauges while ensuring they coincide with the rise and run of your stair jack. Then you should mark all of the notches. Put them on your carpenter’s square guide for a great cut.

When you are working with wood, safety must be the number one priority. Use the right safety gear and operate tools according to their manual. Always keep the tool guards on, since they are there to keep you safe. You don’t want to start in your workshop and end in a hospital bed.

TIP! Safety is important when working with wood. Proper tool use and safety equipment are important when you are woodworking.

It’s crucial that you never try to use fingers or hands as a guide when cutting wood. Try using thin wood strips to push that piece through your saw. This will assure you keep your fingers.

Keeping a little ruler inside your pocket is smart, but it could fall out when bending over due to its length. To stop this from happening buy a metal ruler and place it in the same pocket where you keep your telescoping magnets, used for picking up nails and wood screws. The magnet will ensure that the ruler won’t fall out.

Dull Blade

If you will be using stain, always do a test on an inconspicuous area, or scrap of wood. This helps you to not be shocked when you see the finished product. Since wood is often unpredictable, you can avoid unpleasant surprises by completing this test.

TIP! Before staining your project, test the stain in a hard to see area, or, better yet, on a piece of scrap wood of the same type. Testing first will give you an idea of how the stain will look on a real piece.

Before doing any saw work, make sure the blades of the saw are good and sharp. A dull blade will make it terribly difficult to saw. A dull blade will also cause you to make mistakes and harm the wood that you’re working with.

Use your woodworking skills to enjoy your yard. Consider building a bird feeder, or maybe a deck. You can then relax on that deck, virtually bug free, as you watch all the birds you have attracted to your bird feeder have a picnic of their own. If you’re a professional woodworker, meet your clients on your new deck so they can observe your work.

Always listen for family and friends that wish to sell their houses. You might be able to make a bit of money using your skills to help them increase the value of their home. You can redo the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen, or do something simple like install a new post for the mailbox.

Make sure you use the right kind of wood appropriate for the task at hand. When it comes to woodworking, some woods can not handle the stresses that other woods can. If you don’t know how each wood type reacts to what you’re trying to do, spend a bit of time learning about it.

TIP! Always choose the proper wood for your project. When woodworking, there are some woods which can’t handle the stress other woods can.

Try a woodworking kit or two. They have all you need to complete a project. This is a great way for a beginner to get a grasp of what goes into woodworking. This is a great, cost-effective way to introduce yourself to woodworking.

When you’re sanding a project, be sure you’re not applying too much pressure. Sanding with pressure can cause an unevenness of the surface by gauging into the surface. Using sandpaper of an appropriate grit level will reduce the amount of force required. Sand with the grain of wood and lightly.

Stair Gauge

Rulers don’t like to stay in pockets, but you need them to be handy! Buy a metal ruler, and try keeping it in the same pocket as the smaller telescoping magnet you use to pick up loose metal screws. Keep the ruler and the magnet in the same pocket. The ruler will stay in place.

TIP! A small metal ruler is handy to carry around in your pocket for quick measuring. It has a tendency to fall out of your pockets, though.

A good circular saw guide is a stair gauge. Normally you use a stair gauge to figure out the run and rise of your stair jack which can allow you to get the notches matched up. This is a good guide to use with a circular saw.

Check the wood stain out that you’re using on a spot that’s inconspicuous first. The stain could come out not looking like you expected it to, or there may be problems with your stain that you hadn’t thought about. After seeing what the test spot looks like, you can make adjustments if needed. This could mean a lot less hassle in the future.

You should take some time to watch different woodworking shows available on television, or even the Internet. You never know when you’ll learn something, and you also can get inspiration for specific projects. Just check you local TV guide for the public TV shows. Basic cable networks have a number of DIY shows as well.

Understand the characteristics of the woods you’re using. Each type of wood has different traits. They all react differently when you apply stain. The grain patterns of different woods mean pieces splinter differently. You will also see different types of grains. Take these different characteristics in mind when planning a project.

TIP! Learn the characteristics of different kinds of wood. Each type is different.

Any woodworking project needs to have a budget. After you select your project, take the time to determine how much supplies and materials will cost. Figure out exactly what you need and what it will cost. You don’t want to have to stop a project just because you don’t have the money.

Prior to staining, make sure to get the wood ready. Pre-stain conditioners can help with this. These wood conditioners soak into the wood’s grain and helps it to evenly soak up the stain. After you add the stain, use a rag to get rid of any excess that is on the wood.

The art of woodworking is an interesting one. It is hoped that reading this article has made you ready to go to the woodworking shop. Whether you’re creating furniture, small wooden toys or something completely different, it’s time to give it a shot. You will not realize what you can accomplish unless you try!

Be sure that your ears are properly protected. Woodworking can be very loud. Continued exposure to the noise can cause some hearing loss. You can either purchase a high quality set of headphones or use disposable ear plugs. Make sure you wear them when working with woodworking tools.